Joining Esxi to doamin fails with the below message:

[root@esx:~] ./usr/lib/vmware/likewise/bin/domainjoin-cli join
Joining to AD Domain:
	With Computer DNS Name: esx.
	[email protected]'s password:
	Error: LW_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE [code 0x00009c46]
	The Inter Process message is invalid

Cat /etc/hosts show below:

Cat /etc/hosts
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost esx. esx      <------------------notice the "esx."

In some cases, the hostname on the /etc/hosts file might not match to that of the host.  (look for the message on domainjoin-join “With Computer DNS Name: esx.”

In order to sort this out,  correct the /etc/host file (in my case, I had to suffix the DNS suffix)

Cat /etc/hosts:
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost esx

restart lwsmd

/etc/init.d/lwsmd start

Re-attempt doamin join CLI

Note: In some cases after performing the change to /etc/hosts, joining the host via powerCLI will fail with error “‘ vmwauth InvalidHostNameException: The current hostname is invalid: hostname cannot be resolved”

2019-01-07T19:20:16.288Z error hostd[DEC1B70] [Originator@6876 sub=ActiveDirectoryAuthentication opID=500fc81b-b5-602f user=vpxuser:IKIGO\nik] vmwauth InvalidHostNameException: The current hostname is invalid: hostname cannot be resolved

The management agents/host will need a restart to sort this out. restart

3 Replies to “joining Esxi to domain fails with LW_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE [code 0x00009c46]”

    1. In the scenario I was working on, the /etc/host file had an invalid hostname (it was ending with an “.” instead of just having the computer name or the FQDN)
      192.168.1.xx esxi123.

      1. Yes understand, but by default it should be populated by dns domain settings. I’ve tried to fix it with esxcli system hostname set –domain=lab.local and it put an entry to /etc/hosts file automatically. I just would like to know if you was checking why the domain wasn’t populated, because I believe that this is the route cause.


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