Check check all vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm02/

> vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm02/
/opt/vmware/rvc/lib/rvc/lib/vsanhealth.rb:108: warning: calling via Kernel#open is deprecated, call directly or use URI#open
Silent Status of Cluster mgm02:
| Health Check                                                                                       | Health Check Id                       | Silent Status |
| Capacity utilization                                                                               |                                       |               |
|   Cluster and host component utilization                                                           | nodecomponentlimit                    | Normal        |
|   Read cache reservations                                                                          | rcreservation                         | Normal        |
|   Storage space                                                                                    | diskspace                             | Normal        |
|   What if the most consumed host fails                                                             | limit1hf                              | Normal        |
| Cluster                                                                                            |                                       |               |
|   Advanced vSAN configuration in sync                                                              | advcfgsync                            | Normal        |
|   Disk format version                                                                              | upgradelowerhosts                     | Normal        |
|   ESA prescriptive disk claim                                                                      | ddsconfig                             | Normal        |
|   Host Maintenance Mode                                                                            | mmdecominsync                         | Normal        |
|   Maximum host number in vSAN over RDMA                                                            | rdmanodes                             | Normal        |
|   Resync operations throttling                                                                     | resynclimit                           | Normal        |
|   Software version compatibility                                                                   | upgradesoftware                       | Normal        |
|   Time is synchronized across hosts and VC                                                         | timedrift                             | Normal        |
|   VMware vCenter state is authoritative                                                            | vcauthoritative                       | Normal        |
|   VSAN ESA Conversion Health                                                                       | esaconversionhealth                   | Normal        |
|   vSAN Direct homogeneous disk claiming                                                            | vsandconfigconsistency                | Normal        |
|   vSAN Disk Balance                                                                                | diskbalance                           | Normal        |
|   vSAN Managed disk claim                                                                          | hcldiskclaimcheck                     | Normal        |
|   vSAN cluster configuration consistency                                                           | consistentconfig                      | Normal        |
|   vSAN daemon liveness                                                                             | clomdliveness                         | Normal        |
|   vSAN disk group layout                                                                           | dglayout                              | Normal        |
|   vSAN extended configuration in sync                                                              | extendedconfig                        | Normal        |
|   vSAN optimal datastore default policy configuration                                              | optimaldsdefaultpolicy                | Normal        |
|   vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) configuration                                                   | vsanesavlcmcheck                      | Normal        |
|   vSphere cluster members match vSAN cluster members                                               | clustermembership                     | Normal        |
| Data                                                                                               |                                       |               |
|   vSAN object format health                                                                        | objectformat                          | Normal        |
|   vSAN object health                                                                               | objecthealth                          | Normal        |
| Data-at-rest encryption                                                                            |                                       |               |
|   CPU AES-NI is enabled on hosts                                                                   | hostcpuaesni                          | Normal        |
|   VMware vCenter and all hosts are connected to Key Management Servers                             | kmsconnection                         | Normal        |
|                                 | dualencryption                        | Normal        |
| Data-in-transit encryption                                                                         |                                       |               |
|   Configuration check                                                                              | ditconfig                             | Normal        |
| File Service                                                                                       |                                       |               |
|   File Server Health                                                                               | fileserver                            | Normal        |
|   Infrastructure Health                                                                            | host                                  | Normal        |
|   Share Health                                                                                     | sharehealth                           | Normal        |
| Hardware compatibility                                                                             |                                       |               |
|   Controller disk group mode is VMware certified                                                   | controllerdiskmode                    | Normal        |
|   Controller driver is VMware certified                                                            | controllerdriver                      | Normal        |
|   Controller firmware is VMware certified                                                          | controllerfirmware                    | Normal        |
|   Controller is VMware certified for ESXi release                                                  | controllerreleasesupport              | Normal        |
|   Controller with pass-through and RAID disks                                                      | mixedmode                             | Normal        |
|   HPE NVMe Solid State Drives - critical firmware upgrade required                                 | vsanhpefwtest                         | Normal        |
|   Host issues retrieving hardware info                                                             | hclhostbadstate                       | Normal        |
|   Host physical memory compliance check                                                            | hostmemcheck                          | Normal        |
|   NVMe device is VMware certified                                                                  | nvmeonhcl                             | Normal        |
|   Network (RDMA NIC: RoCE v2) driver/firmware is vSAN certified                                    | rdmanicsupportdriverfirmware          | Normal        |
|   Network (RDMA NIC: RoCE v2) is certified for ESXi release                                        | rdmanicsupportesxrelease              | Normal        |
|   Network (RDMA NIC: RoCE v2) is vSAN certified                                                    | rdmaniciscertified                    | Normal        |
|   Physical NIC link speed meets requirements                                                       | pniclinkspeed                         | Normal        |
|   RAID controller configuration                                                                    | controllercacheconfig                 | Normal        |
|   SCSI controller is VMware certified                                                              | controlleronhcl                       | Normal        |
|   vSAN HCL DB Auto Update                                                                          | autohclupdate                         | Normal        |
|   vSAN HCL DB up-to-date                                                                           | hcldbuptodate                         | Normal        |
|   vSAN and VMFS datastores on a Dell H730 controller with the lsi_mr3 driver                       | mixedmodeh730                         | Normal        |
|   vSAN configuration for LSI-3108 based controller                                                 | h730                                  | Normal        |
| Hyperconverged cluster configuration compliance                                                    |                                       |               |
|   Host compliance check for hyperconverged cluster configuration                                   | hosthciconfig                         | Normal        |
|   VDS compliance check for hyperconverged cluster configuration                                    | dvshciconfig                          | Normal        |
| Network                                                                                            |                                       |               |
|   Active multicast connectivity check                                                              | multicastdeepdive                     | Normal        |
|   All hosts have a dedicated vSAN Max Client vmknic configured in server cluster                   | vsanexternalvmknic                    | Normal        |
|   All hosts have a vSAN vmknic configured                                                          | vsanvmknic                            | Normal        |
|   All hosts have matching multicast settings                                                       | multicastsettings                     | Normal        |
|   Hosts disconnected from VC                                                                       | hostdisconnected                      | Normal        |
|   Hosts with LACP issues                                                                           | lacpstatus                            | Normal        |
|   Hosts with connectivity issues                                                                   | hostconnectivity                      | Normal        |
|   Hosts with duplicate IP addresses                                                                | duplicateip                           | Normal        |
|   Hosts with pNIC TSO issues                                                                       | pnictso                               | Normal        |
|   Multicast assessment based on other checks                                                       | multicastsuspected                    | Normal        |
|   Network latency check                                                                            | hostlatencycheck                      | Normal        |
|   No hosts in remote vSAN have multiple vSAN vmknics configured                                    | multiplevsanvmknic                    | Normal        |
|   Physical network adapter link speed consistency                                                  | pnicconsistent                        | Normal        |
|   RDMA Configuration Health                                                                        | rdmaconfig                            | Normal        |
|   Remote VMware vCenter network connectivity                                                       | xvcconnectivity                       | Normal        |
|   Server Cluster Partition                                                                         | serverpartition                       | Normal        |
|   vMotion: Basic (unicast) connectivity check                                                      | vmotionpingsmall                      | Normal        |
|   vMotion: MTU check (ping with large packet size)                                                 | vmotionpinglarge                      | Normal        |
|   vSAN Max Client Network connectivity check                                                       | externalconnectivity                  | Normal        |
|   vSAN cluster partition                                                                           | clusterpartition                      | Normal        |
|   vSAN: Advanced (https) connectivity check                                                        | interhostconnectivity                 | Normal        |
|   vSAN: Basic (unicast) connectivity check                                                         | smallping                             | Normal        |
|   vSAN: MTU check (ping with large packet size)                                                    | largeping                             | Normal        |
| Online health                                                                                      |                                       |               |
|   A possible storage capacity limitation with vSAN OSA versions 8.0U2 and 8.0U2b                   | lsomadvconfig                         | Normal        |
|   Advisor                                                                                          | advisor                               | Normal        |
|   Audit CEIP Collected Data                                                                        | auditceip                             | Normal        |
|   CNS Critical Alert - Patch available with important fixes                                        | cnspatchalert                         | Normal        |
|   Controller with pass-through and RAID disks                                                      | mixedmode                             | Normal        |
|   Coredump partition size check                                                                    | coredumpartitionsize                  | Normal        |
|   Critical vSAN patch is available for vSAN ESA                                                    | laurelalert                           | Normal        |
|   Customer advisory for HPE Smart Array                                                            | vsanhpesmartarraytest                 | Normal        |
|   Disks usage on storage controller                                                                | diskusage                             | Normal        |
|   Dual encryption applied to VMs on vSAN                                                           | dualencryption                        | Normal        |
|   ESXi system logs stored outside vSAN datastore                                                   | scratchconfig                         | Normal        |
|   End of general support for lower vSphere version                                                 | eoscheck                              | Normal        |
|   Fix is available for a critical vSAN software defect with Guest Trim/Unmap configuration enabled | unmaptest                             | Normal        |
|   HPE NVMe Solid State Drives - critical firmware upgrade required                                 | vsanhpefwtest                         | Normal        |
|   HPE SAS Solid State Drive                                                                        | hpesasssd                             | Normal        |
|   Hardware compatibility issue for witness appliance                                               | witnesshw                             | Normal        |
|   Important patch available for vSAN issue                                                         | fsvlcmpatchalert                      | Normal        |
|   Maximum host number in vSAN over RDMA                                                            | rdmanodesalert                        | Normal        |
|   Multiple VMs share the same vSAN home namespace                                                  | vmns                                  | Normal        |
|   Patch available for critical vSAN issue for All-Flash clusters with deduplication enabled        | patchalert                            | Normal        |
|   Physical network adapter link speed consistency                                                  | pnicconsistent                        | Normal        |
|   Proper vSAN network traffic shaping policy is configured                                         | dvsportspeedlimit                     | Normal        |
|   RAID controller configuration                                                                    | controllercacheconfig                 | Normal        |
|   Thick-provisioned VMs on vSAN                                                                    | thickprovision                        | Normal        |
|   Update release available for vSAN ESA                                                            | marigoldalert                         | Normal        |
|   Update release available for vSAN ESA                                                            | lavenderalert                         | Normal        |
|   Upgrade vSphere CSI driver with caution                                                          | csidriver                             | Normal        |
|   VM storage policy is not-recommended                                                             | policyupdate                          | Normal        |
|   VMware vCenter up to date                                                                        | vcuptodate                            | Normal        |
|   vSAN Advanced Configuration Check for Urgent vSAN ESA Patch                                      | zdomadvcfgenabled                     | Normal        |
|   vSAN Critical Alert - Release available for critical vSAN issue                                  | lilypatchalert                        | Normal        |
|   vSAN Support Insight                                                                             | vsanenablesupportinsight              | Normal        |
|   vSAN and VMFS datastores on a Dell H730 controller with the lsi_mr3 driver                       | mixedmodeh730                         | Normal        |
|   vSAN configuration check for large scale cluster                                                 | largescalecluster                     | Normal        |
|   vSAN configuration for LSI-3108 based controller                                                 | h730                                  | Normal        |
|   vSAN critical alert regarding a potential data inconsistency                                     | lilacdeltacomponenttest               | Normal        |
|   vSAN management server system resource check                                                     | vsanmgmtresource                      | Normal        |
|   vSAN max component size                                                                          | smalldiskstest                        | Normal        |
|   vSAN storage policy compliance up-to-date                                                        | objspbm                               | Normal        |
|   vSAN v1 disk in use                                                                              | v1diskcheck                           | Normal        |
| Performance service                                                                                |                                       |               |
|   All hosts contributing stats                                                                     | hostsmissing                          | Normal        |
|   Network diagnostic mode                                                                          | diagmode                              | Normal        |
|   Performance data collection                                                                      | collection                            | Normal        |
|   Performance service status                                                                       | perfsvcstatus                         | Normal        |
|   Stats DB object                                                                                  | statsdb                               | Normal        |
|   Stats DB object conflicts                                                                        | renameddirs                           | Normal        |
|   Stats primary election                                                                           | masterexist                           | Normal        |
|   Verbose mode                                                                                     | verbosemode                           | Normal        |
| Physical disk                                                                                      |                                       |               |
|   Component metadata health                                                                        | componentmetadata                     | Normal        |
|   Congestion                                                                                       | physdiskcongestion                    | Normal        |
|   Disk capacity                                                                                    | physdiskcapacity                      | Normal        |
|   Disks usage on storage controller                                                                | diskusage                             | Normal        |
|   Memory pools (heaps)                                                                             | lsomheap                              | Normal        |
|   Memory pools (slabs)                                                                             | lsomslab                              | Normal        |
|   Operation health                                                                                 | physdiskoverall                       | Normal        |
|   Physical disk component utilization                                                              | physdiskcomplimithealth               | Normal        |
|   Physical disk health retrieval issues                                                            | physdiskhostissues                    | Normal        |
|   Storage Vendor Reported Drive Health                                                             | phmhealth                             | Normal        |
|   vSAN max component size                                                                          | smalldiskstest                        | Normal        |
| Stretched cluster                                                                                  |                                       |               |
|   Hardware compatibility issue for witness appliance                                               | witnessupgissue                       | Normal        |
|   Invalid preferred fault domain on witness host                                                   | witnesspreferredfaultdomaininvalid    | Normal        |
|   Invalid unicast agent                                                                            | hostwithinvalidunicastagent           | Normal        |
|   No disk claimed on witness host                                                                  | witnesswithnodiskmapping              | Normal        |
|   Preferred fault domain unset                                                                     | witnesspreferredfaultdomainnotexist   | Normal        |
|   Shared witness per cluster component limit scaled down                                           | sharedwitnesscomponentlimitscaleddown | Normal        |
|   Site latency health                                                                              | siteconnectivity                      | Normal        |
|   Unexpected number of data node in shared witness cluster                                         | sharedwitnessclusterdatahostnumexceed | Normal        |
|   Unexpected number of fault domains                                                               | clusterwithouttwodatafaultdomains     | Normal        |
|   Unicast agent configuration inconsistent                                                         | clusterwithmultipleunicastagents      | Normal        |
|   Unicast agent not configured                                                                     | hostunicastagentunset                 | Normal        |
|   Unsupported host version                                                                         | hostwithnostretchedclustersupport     | Normal        |
|   Witness appliance upgrade to vSphere 7.0 or higher with caution                                  | witnessupgrade                        | Normal        |
|   Witness host fault domain misconfigured                                                          | witnessfaultdomaininvalid             | Normal        |
|   Witness host not found                                                                           | clusterwithoutonewitnesshost          | Normal        |
|   Witness host within VMware vCenter cluster                                                       | witnessinsidevccluster                | Normal        |
|   Witness node is managed by vSphere Lifecycle Manager                                             | vlcmwitnessconfig                     | Normal        |
|                                                            |                                       |               |
|   Patch available for critical vSAN issue for All-Flash clusters with deduplication enabled        | patchalert                            | Normal        |
|                           | checksummismatchcount                 | Normal        |
|                               | vumconfig                             | Normal        |
|                       | vumrecommendation                     | Normal        |
|                                 | clusternotfound                       | Normal        |
|                                      | pausecount                            | Normal        |
|                          | releasecataloguptodate                | Normal        |
|                                        | rxcrcerr                              | Normal        |
|                                           | rxerr                                 | Normal        |
|                                       | rxfifoerr                             | Normal        |
|                                       | rxmisserr                             | Normal        |
|                                         | rxoverr                               | Normal        |
|                                        | txcarerr                              | Normal        |
|                                           | txerr                                 | Normal        |
| vSAN iSCSI target service                                                                          |                                       |               |
|   Home object                                                                                      | iscsihomeobjectstatustest             | Normal        |
|   LUN runtime health                                                                               | iscsilunruntimetest                   | Normal        |
|   Network configuration                                                                            | iscsiservicenetworktest               | Normal        |
|   Service runtime status                                                                           | iscsiservicerunningtest               | Normal        |
> vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm-01 -a controlleronhcl

> vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm02 -a controlleronhcl
/opt/vmware/rvc/lib/rvc/lib/vsanhealth.rb:108: warning: calling via Kernel#open is deprecated, call directly or use URI#open
Successfully update silent health check list for mgm02
> vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm -a controlleronhcl
vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm-01  vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm02
> vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm -a controlleronhcl
vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm-01  vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm02
> vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm-01 -a controlleronhcl
/opt/vmware/rvc/lib/rvc/lib/vsanhealth.rb:108: warning: calling via Kernel#open is deprecated, call directly or use URI#open
Successfully update silent health check list for mgm-01

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