Check check all vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm02/ vcsa01.ntitta.local/Cloud-DC01/computers/mgm-01 -a controlleronhcl
Nginx Proxy manager config for VMware Cloud Director 10.5
Tested with VCD 10.5.1 In proxy host > advanced > add the below. fastcgi_buffers 16 200k;fastcgi_buffer_size 100k;proxy_buffer_size 128k;proxy_buffers 4 256k;proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k;proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;proxy_set_header Connection “upgrade”;
Nested Esxi vSAN sample scripts
vRA8, Sample blueprint to Deploy a Windows AD with Cloudinit.
IP ALLOCATE failed: Action run failed with the following error: (‘Error allocating in network or range: Failed to generate hostname. DNS suffix missing’, {})
Earlier this week, I was trying to integrate my test vRA deployment with Infoblox and all deployments failed with the error: When looking at the Extensibility tab > action runs > (filter) change from user runs to all runs and look for a failed action: Infoblox_AllocateIP. There are 2 ways to remediate this. Workaround 1: […]
Troubleshooting saltconfig (aria config) Minion Deployment Failure
When troubleshooting a minion deployment failure, I would recommend hashing out the salt part of the blueprint and run this as a day2 task. This would help save significant deployment time and help focuss on the minion deployment issue alone. So in my scenario, I Finished my deployment and run the salt as a day2 […]
VMware PowerCli installation fails
VMware powerCli installation fails with the below: Workaround: install PowerShell by skipping publisher checks: Cause: This is due to the fact that the certificate we used to sign the modules was replaced with a new one from a new publisher.
Esxi PCI passthrough device always hung at reboot needed? (esxi white box)
screenshot: log: /var/log/boot.gz workaround was to disable ACS
SaltConfig multi-node scripted/automated Deployment Part-2
Topology Prerequisites: you must have a working salt-master and minions installed on the Redis/Postgres and the RAAS instance. Refer SaltConfig Multi-Node scripted Deployment Part-1 Dowload SaltConfig automated installer .gz from Extract and copy the files to the salt-master. In my case, I have placed it in the /root dir the automated/scripted installer needs additional […]
SaltConfig multi-node scripted/automated Deployment Part-1
Topology: (master-minion communication) OS: RHEL7.9/Centos7 For the above topology, you will need 4 machines, we will be using the scripted installer to install RAAS, REDIS and postgres for us. the VM’s I am using: note: My RHEL machine are already registered with RHEL subscription manager. we start by updating the machine on all machine’s Update […]