Greetings!!,I am writing this based on a popular request by partners. API specification/tempalte Usage meter API guide: meter OpenAPI specification: Click here to download JSON or use the below: You can find the openAPI specification on the API guide link > Documentation: We will be using this JSON with postman. Import template to postman […]
Usage meter 4.5, SRM collection fails
SRM collector logs are written in vccol_main.log Workaround: Re-register SRM to vCenter using an IP instead of the FQDN Navigate to https://SRM:5480, log in as admin and re-register. Change the local host field to the IP address from the dropdown
saltconfig 8.6.1 + vRA 8.6.1 Deploying VM’s with salsify driver fails and time’s out
error: investigation: On salt-config > jobs , look for the deploy.minion task. This was a success in my case. Re-ran the deployment, once the machine is provisioned and customization is successful (has IP when viewing VM from the vCenter view), open the console and I took a look at /etc/salt/minion Here, the line: master: photon-machine […]
vra8: Windows Deployment fails with “A specified parameter was not correct: spec.identification.domainAdmin” after upgrading to vCenter 7.0u3a/6.7p06/6.5P07
Windows-based deployment fails with error: “A specified parameter was not correct: spec.identification.domainAdmin” Logs: vpxd.log on the vCenter Cause: There were changes made to guest cust spec on 7.0u3a Workaround: For a blueprint that does not leverage domain join, Navigate to Cloud assembly > Network Profile> open (the-network-profile-used-in-bp) > networks > edit(vCenter_network_mapped)leave the domain filed here […]
usage meter : vCenter collection fails with Failed customer rule collection – Could not find instanceUuid of the VM with moref: vm-2044 from VC server with id: 8.Could not find instanceUuid
vcenter collection fails with error:” Failed customer rule collection – Could not find instanceUuid of the VM with moref: vm-xxxx from VC server with id: x.Could not find instanceUuid” cause: usage meter receives an error when attempting to query the UUID of the VM moref seen on the error. on the vCenter inventory, you will […]
SaltConfig and Identity manager integration
SaltConfig must be running version 8.5 and must be deployed via LCM. If vRA is running on self-signed/local-CA/LCM-CA certificates the saltstack UI will not load and you will see similar symptoms: Specifically, a blank page when logging on to salt UI with account/info api returning 500 Logs: To resolve this, grab the root certificate of […]
vRops API /Token using curl
curl –header “Content-Type: application/json” \–request POST \–data ‘{“username”:”xyz”,”password”:”xyz”}’ \https://IP/suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire
NSLCD based auth on Linux machine/Usage meter 4.4 LDAP
Below is the sample configuration to get UM-Ad intigation via LDAP (replace the contents of /ec/nslcd.conf with what is appropriate in your environment. root@photon-machine [ /etc ]# cat /etc/nslcd.conf cat /etc/nsswitch.conf cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth cat /etc/pam.d/system-account cat /etc/pam.d/system-password cat /etc/pam.d/system-session cat /etc/pam.d/vmware-um-pam aside from this, NSLCD also needs some pre-requisites for the user that is used […]
vRA patching: clearing the patch tab from a failed patch
Symptoms: vRA patching failed and is now stuck with a patch in the repository, the remove button does not do anything, the retry button is grayed out: Note: Its always recommended that you take a powered off snapshot of all the nodes before patching and before performing the below: Take a powered off snapshot of […]
Usage Meter 4.x picks up vRops although vRops no longer exist on the environment
usage meter 4.x picks up vRops from vCenter mob. after adding the vCenter , UM does dynamic discovery. if for any reason, vRops extension is left stale behind on vCenter, UM will continue to think the product exists. To resolve this, log in to the vCenter mob and remove com.vmware.vrops and com.vmware.vcops Instructions to remove the extensions can be found here: , Kindly […]